Heart of a Southern Woman

A snapshot of life one blog post at a time.

“P” is for Purple Elvis Clock!


When I turned 50 years old, some of my friends gave me this purple Elvis clock, and his legs swing! It has delighted me for years now.  I have loved Elvis since I was a young child, so this was a wonderful addition to my Elvis Collection.  I can’t show all of the collection to you in this one post, but sit back, listen to the king, and enjoy sharing the fun! There is something very special about this Purple Elvis Clock, and maybe, maybe I’ll tell you the secret by the end of this post, maybe– it’s very personal…we’ll see. 
Did I tell you I found out  that I am kin to Elvis?!  According to familysearch.org, he is my 14th cousin! It looks like this: 

Elvis relationship to Helen , 14th cousin

 I don’t think I could settle on just one favorite Elvis song, but I’ve always loved “Jailhouse Rock”! Over the years, family and friends have added to my cherished collection my ability to see Elvis perform this song  always– on my own drive-in theater, and among others, from the mouth of the cutest Elvis Bear you could ever ask for!

Elvis Drive in Theater blue screen


No thoughts of Elvis would be complete without thinking of some of his ballads, his gospel, and his love songs! Oh my, that man could sing! Still gives me chills!

The secret, and you are not allowed to steal this idea now, the phrase “Purple Elvis Clock” is my password for after my death, when I am trying to communicate with my family. Others see butterflies, birds, find dimes–there are all kinds of signs that our loved ones are trying to get in touch with us from the other side. My family knows that if they hear the term “Purple Elvis Clock” or if that picture arises in their minds, then Mom/GiGi is giving them a kiss, letting them know I am fine, that I am thinking of them, and that I am doing my best to help from afar! LOL  Now what do you think of that?  Did you see that one coming? Do you even believe in an afterlife? Communication between?  Think on these things, and let me know. Until we meet again, know that I am always wishing you well. 

Author: Helen Holshouser

Old enough to enjoy life, I am a Red Hatter, grandmother, gardener, and amateur genealogist. I am a retired clinical psychologist, master's level, who is disabled with heart disease, but having fun with family and friends. Married over 40 years, I have two grown daughters and three grandchildren. I have learned that grandchildren provide a joy one never knew existed---writing feeds my soul, gardening is therapy, and genealogy research makes me feel like a detective!

7 thoughts on ““P” is for Purple Elvis Clock!

  1. Just give it another 30 plus years before you try out your password. But if you get there before I do, send me an email. 🙂


  2. LOL, Charles, not planning to go anywhere, but just in case, you have to admit, it is unique, well, it was….LOL I’ll be searching you out!


  3. I was never a huge Elvis fan, I like some of his songs and movies but wasn’t gaga over him. My best friend at the time was a huge Elvis fan. He died on August 16 which is my birthday. My friend came over with a card, tears streaming down her face. She gave me the card, said happy birthday while crying hysterically and said ‘Elvis died”, turned and ran home! – I like your code to alert family after your death – I must think of one.


  4. Thanks for sharing that story Judi, such a shame it was your birthday and your best friend! Thanks for reading and sharing!


  5. That’s too funny. I have a friend who would love to have that clock.


  6. Thanks Scarlet, but your friend is out of luck! It’s going with me! NOT! LOL


  7. Hahaha…that’s funny! My husband actually sings some Elvis songs. 🙂


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