Heart of a Southern Woman

A snapshot of life one blog post at a time.


From the Heart of a Southern Woman

 An Introduction to a Series of Blogs

       Hi, I’m Helen  and I’ve been enjoying blogging for almost a year now!  I have so much I want to write about, that I couldn’t choose just one area.. I understand that one of the most important things for a successful blogger to do, is to build a sense of community. Well, I’d love that! I am blessed to live in a wonderful neighborhood, middle class, diverse population, with myriad ages and skills! We are a great little community! Professionally I used to be a master’s level psychologist, and in that capacity I had the opportunity to work with a lot of families and groups struggling with very stressful issues. I’m no stranger to that struggle in my own life either. But group therapy is one of the neatest things I’ve ever had the honor to be a part of or conduct. In group, a community builds very quickly. so perhaps doing that for 20 years makes me realize how important and wonderful it is. Hopefully you will enjoy what you read here, or learn from it, or just agree to disagree! Anyway, I hope you will come back and suggest that some of your friends look me up. I look forward to your comments and hope we can begin a good forum.
        Because I’m hoping for a diverse group of readers,  I intend to write about several different subject matters, in hopes of posting something you might be interested in. But I will try to return to each topic often enough for you to realize the continuity. If you have topics you want me to include, or think would be helpful, I would love to hear your suggestions.   The first couple of blog entries will talk about the joys of my own neighborhood.  Along with that, I’ll begin to introduce you to my Red Hat Society group- the Royal Red Divas. I have the total joy of serving as Queen of this group!   You have to laugh just seeing us all dressed in our regalia!   Next I want to blog about abuse and abusers– what happens when you grow up in an abusive family, as I did. Domestic Violence awareness month is coming up, and I want to talk about it!   Other subjects I’d like to share are my thoughts on  gardening; disabilities;  prayer, angels, and blessings.  . Hope you have a great day and let me hear from you. Helen